Monday, March 5, 2012

How to mince garlic.

How to mince garlic in 4 easy steps.

There is no replacement for freshly minced garlic.

Problem is, most people don't know how to smash and mince the little buggers, so they buy a jar of the minced stuff. I won't deny the convenience of it, so if you're in a pinch and you simply don't have the time, go for it and use it. My mom used the jarred minced garlic, and while it is something, it just can't compare to the real thing.

While it may take a minute or two extra, the aroma of freshly minced garlic will be your payment for all your hard work (and that's to say nothing of the amazing difference in taste!).

Step 1: Get your garlic. These are called cloves of garlic. See the pretty pinkish white skin? You don't want to eat that. That goes in the trash. You eat what's inside. So how to get them off without losing your mind? Proceed to step 2.
Step 2: Place garlic clove on cutting board. Take the flat part of a butcher's knife and smash the clove. This will loosen the skin from the clove, enabling you to easily peel it off the clove.
Step 3: Slice the clove in thin slices.
Step 4: Dice (so slice going the other way). Depending on your recipe you can do big or little pieces. I prefer small (hence, minced), enabling me to sneak it into my kids foods without a big fuss.
Minced garlic is great addition to many dishes, particularly soups, sauces, and dressings.

[It goes great in this Mexican rice.]


  1. I have a half-way compromise...I buy the peeled, fresh garlic at Costco and then i put that through a garlic press. Pretty good :)


  2. How can I be older than 18 and not know this!?!? I hope I'm not the only one! But I did buy some fresh garlic for the first time last week and will try this tonight! Thanks for the demo.
