Wednesday, April 11, 2012

6 Minute Total Body Workout

Got 6 minutes to workout?

Here's a 6 minute total body toning workout. Great workout to do after some cardio (like a 30 minute jog or walk).

All you need is a set of dumbells!

Make sure you're warmed up before you jump into the workout.

Also, you can subscribe to my Youtube channel and get all the new workouts as I post them.


  1. Aw shucks Meggie, you are so sweet.

    You'd think you'd have gotten enough of me, since you took, what 3 semesters of my classes at UVU?

  2. Great routine. I love the thought of doing it after a walk to add in some quick an easy strength as well as additional calorie burn.

  3. This is great thanks so much x definitely no excuses now! I can do this in the morning after walking the dog :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Another great workout. I love compound moves because I feel like I get more bang for the buck and who doesn't like that!? (The Firm Workouts are notorious for that and that's why I have been doing them since 1992! NO JOKE!)

    A nice combo of biceps, triceps, medial and posterior delts, along with lunges, squats and so forth.

    Great routine!

    Thank you. I only planned on doing one or two of your videos this morning, and now I've done 6 and I am feeling great! (Thanks to the baby, it took her 45 minutes to fall asleep, so I knew I had time!)

  6. This is a great video targeting the medial and posterior deltoids, biceps and triceps, along with some sweet lunges and squats, targeting the core with some balance.

    I love compound moves because I feel like I get the most bang for the buck, and who doesn't like that!? (I've been doing the Firm Aerobic Workouts with Weights since 1992 because they're so effective and not boring, even 20 years later, and they are notorious for compound moves, so I love this video for that reason!)

    I planned on just squeezing in 1-2 of your videos this morning so I could shower before my baby woke up, but turns out she took 45 minutes to fall asleep, so I had time to do 6!! YEAH! I LOVE THEM, thank you Janae!

  7. Mrs. Vanna Z: I'm so glad you like them. Getting ready to post a few more new ones. I'm excited--Pilates is up next!
