Monday, April 23, 2012

One Easy Way to Curb Hunger

Do you ever get peckish an hour or two after eating?

This is annoying, especially if you've just eaten a filling, nutritious meal and you know you don't really need to eat, but your stomach is telling you otherwise.

When I'm in weight loss mode, one of the things that makes or breaks my efforts are the little choices. It's not always, do I have a cookie or piece of pie, but rather, do I have seconds? Do I have another tortilla? Do I eat a little more so that I'm really "full"?

One of the easiest ways to cut back on calories is to eliminate mindless eating--eating just to eat. eating because you're bored, or eating between meals.

I'm not a big snacker, but there are times, especially when I'm doing calorie restriction (ie. trying to lose weight) when I might have just eaten but still want more.

Want to know an easy thing I do to curb hunger?

I drink peppermint tea.

There load of benefits from drinking peppermint tea, and this post is not meant to be an exhaustive list, but rather, I want to share with you why I drink the stuff:
  • I like the minty taste.
    Most "healthy" herbal teas (nettle leaf, dandelion, are 2 examples) take quite a bit of nose pinching to knock back, but peppermint tea is refreshing, cooling, & doesn't require boatloads of sugar to douse out it's actual taste.
  • Peppermint tea soothes my tummy. Mint has always been used to aid in digestion, & mint tea is no different. Drink after meals to help soothe the tum.
  • It really does curb hunger. I don't know what it is about peppermint, but it not only calms my nerves but calms that part of my brain that tells me I need to eat some chocolate or a cookie.
  • Sipping tea is a ritual that is associated with lower BMI. Populations like the Japanese, for example (who daily drink 8 or more cups of tea!), have a much lower BMI than their non-tea drinking counterparts.
  • When a craving hits, drink peppermint tea. Instead of going for food, I tell myself, "Okay, you can have _____, but you need to drink a cup of peppermint tea first & then see how you feel." Most times, after waiting to boil the water, steep the tea, & then drinking it gives me enough time to realize whether or not I'm truly hungry, or if it was just a passing craving, boredom, etc.
  • No stimulants or caffeine. Unlike green, black, & many herbal teas, pregnant & nursing moms can drink this tea to your heart's content!
So next time a craving or in-between meal hunger hits, what are you going to do?
  1. Get a cup of peppermint tea.
  2. Sip away!
Have you tried peppermint tea?

When do you get most hungry? In between meals, or after eating?

Do you have any tips or tricks that help you to keep calories in check?


  1. Nice idea, I will give it a try! But: breastfeeding women who struggle with low milk supply need to be careful because peppermint helps with milk reduction (like sage and parsley).

  2. Becca: Thank you so much for pointing that out. I had no idea! I knew parsley could lower milk production, but didn't know that about mint.

    According to, if you have an oversupply, the following can help reduce your abundance: Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Spearmint, Parsley (Petroselinum crispum), Chickweed, Black Walnut...

    I've always had plenty of milk to go around, so I don't have an issue with drinking peppermint, but for you mommas guarding your milk supply, it might be a good idea to limit your peppermint tea drinking to a cup a day...

    Thanks for sharing Becca!

  3. I can totally relate! I am so peckish all day! However, lately, I've been adding chia seeds to my steel cut oats for breakfast and I swear they curb my hunger until like 1 in the afternoon, and I eat at 6:30-7 am. They are AMAZING little seeds!!! I do swear by them.

    After the whole breastfeeding post, my baby is now nursing 5-6 times a day instead of 3-4! What in the world! She signs "milk" all the time now..and when I say, "You want milk?" She gets this HUGE cheesy smile on her face...and starts shaking her head. Guess we're not weening anytime soon! I know the WHO (World Health Organization) recommends nursing the first 2 years, so I'll heading that way. If we get pregnant, great, if not, oh well. This baby wants mama's milk!!

  4. I love herbal tea, I always keep different flavors on hand but peppermint has always been my favorite since I was a child. I would get a cup for a treat now and then with a little honey in it. I love my cup of tea in the afternoon or sometimes before bedtime.

  5. Zinke: I'll have to try chia seeds. I go through phases. I eat either walnuts, flax, hemp, or chia every day, but it's been awhile since I've done chia deliberately. I know they do expand 10 X's their weight, so this could be part of the reason why you're still full for such a long time. Add that to all the fiber in the oats & you've got an amazingly filling breakfast.

    That's great that your baby is feeding so often. I think that's great that you're shooting for 2 years. I do think the WHO is more on target than the American recommendations, but perhaps we lower the standards here b/c doctors are happy if they can get mom's to breastfeed for 6 months, let alone one year!

    I love it when they start interacting with you, and they KNOW when it's milk time. Some moms think this is weird, like as soon as baby gets awareness that you are feeding milk & can give cues to ask for it, it means they should be weaned. I think it's cute & it shows how smart babies are!

  6. Joya: What other teas do you like? I like some of the fruity "teas."

    I just realized tea is actually the wrong word. I should have said herbal infusion, any "true" tea conosieur would correct me & say only green & black teas are teas, everything else is an "infusion."

  7. Thank you.

    When my daughter, Bridgette, was about 6 months, so had two teeth and clamped down on my breast, to which I swatted her booty (out of pure reaction and pain) and said, "NO BITE, that hurts mama" and she hasn't done it since. I mentioned the "biting" to my in-laws and they said, "Sounds like it's time to ween her!!" and laughed. I just rolled my eyes (luckily we were on the phone!) and said, "Nah, she hasn't done it since and we'll keep nursing!"

    I love flax meal and nuts in my oats too. Bridgette eats it too. She has nice solid poops several times a day! (Are you familiar with EC?) Yeah, the chia seeds fills up my tummy nicely. Our Costco here in Madison WI sells them for way cheaper than you'd see in the bulk section of a CO-OP or health food store!

    Yes, it is sweet when they know that they are getting their point across and you understand, and you both know that the other knows and you connect! I LOVE THAT! I remember being a missionary in Russia and these toddlers would climb onto their mama's laps and pull her breast out from her shirt, and she'd casually nurse them. At the time I was like, "WHOA!" but being a mama now, I think it's a beautiful thing! Babies are incredible!!!

  8. Zinke: Yah, most other countries have a more comfortable approach to breastfeeding moms.

    Nursing=totally natural. Flashing people your goods just because=slutty. I don't get how people don't see the difference. When I'm feeding my baby, it's completely natural. Trying to do it in a classy, modest fashion, but not going to apologize for feeding my child.

    Also, did you know, breastfeeding your baby in public is now a "right" in Seattle?

  9. Interestingly, Dr. Joel Fuhrman in his book "Eat to Live" calls that gnawing feeling(soon after eating even though you know you ate enough) "toxic hunger" in that once the body is done digesting, it turns its attention to detoxing and purifying and the uncomfortable feeling that results is what most people think is "hunger."
