Monday, April 30, 2012

Fitworkout Video: All About Arms

I know arm exercises aren't the darling of the fitness world, but I think they should be!

Arms are one of the more visible body parts (as opposed to your stomach). Why not give them some tone & definition?

And don't worry about getting bulky, these exercises, performed 3 times a week will help you achieve a lean, firm look in no time.

Remember to warm-up before you do these exercises, & for an added challenge, do this video twice with a one minute rest in between.


  1. I love working out my arms! My legs have always been stronger than my arms, and so I tried to balance that out with extra workouts in the upper body. I'll have to keep this is mind for after the baby is born. For now the doctor wants me to do only light exercising, and it's making me itch for more.

  2. i.ikeda: All in good'll get back to exercise before you know it! Thankfully, pregnancy doesn't last forever, & you actually get something out of it--a gorgeous little babe. So worth it.

  3. That Rocked Janae! Love all those bicep curls! Here's the thing, these moves really aren't that "HARD" but they are EFFECTIVE and that's what I like!!
